school bullying * corporate corruption *
sexual harassment * domestic violence *
elder abuse * the invisible poor *
racism * sexism * homophobia *
ageism * classism * ableism
Rankism is the root cause of indignity, injustice, and unfairness. It takes many forms, from school bullying to colonialism to racism, sexism, and homophobia – all of which are an abuse of the weaker party by the stronger.
Rankism happens when people use their power to exploit, belittle, or otherwise abuse others with lower rank. Simply put, it’s what somebodies do to nobodies.
Dignity is the cure.
How do you change something that’s so pervasive, so ingrained? By recognizing every person’s inherent dignity – their right to recognition and inclusion – regardless of where they fall on the corporate, social, familial, or political ladder.
In rankist environments, the inherent dignity of some people is never recognized. As a result, creativity is stifled, students can’t learn, workers are disloyal, health is compromised, families suffer dysfunction, and victims want revenge. Dignity is the antidote.